Monday, May 20, 2013

Labour party set to wreck Gay Marriage Bill

I'm surprised and disappointed about news I'm hearing this evening that the labour party are planning to wreck this week's vote on gay marriage.

It seems to me that David Cameron has been courageous enough to introduce this bill, but the opposition of gay marriage by his parliamentary and grass roots party members just confirm to anybody who ever doubted it that the Conservative party itself hasn't changed... they are still fundamentally and in majority "the nasty party".  It seems like a win:win situation for Labour and the Lib Dems.

But, as if snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, Labour seem ready to prevent or delay the bill getting through.  Labour can't enjoy credit for supporting equal marriage rights and then keep it off the statute book... nobody will buy that - it makes you all worse than the bigoted tories: cynical conniving creatures whose belief in justice for gay people is so weak you'd push us under the nearest truck for laughs.

For the record, I support civil partnership for heterosexual couples.  If the Labour party genuinely support it they will bring in legislation to introduce it the moment they regain power.  There's no justification whatsoever to wreck this bill with the dead weight of such an amendment.


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