Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How many times can Labour crucify itself?

It's interesting to consider in just how many different ways the Labour Party have managed to shoot themselves in the foot, in their leadership election.
  • First, of course, was the crazy voting system, already publicly lamented by many in Labour, where "people who support Labour values" can register to vote in a leadership election for the princely sum of £3.  Stories abound of Tory supporters registering to vote for veteran left-wing MP Jeremy Corbyn in order to make Labour unelectable.
  • Then Labour establishment grandees roll out to scorn Corbyn voters (Blair, Brown, Miliband (D), Blunkett, Mandleson, Campbell, et al).  It's difficult to think of anything more likely to focus support for Corbyn than to be criticised by a person his supporters hate.
  • The 'other' party candidates are putting on an appalling show.  Aside from condemning Corbyn's policies, in a superlative demonstration of un-democracy they have variously called for each other to pull-out of the contest!  (And let's not forget, a key reason Corbyn is so popular is because of the bland, non-distinctive, "Westminster Village" policies of the other candidates which have excited almost nobody.)
By this time (late August 2015), with support among registered Labour Leadership eligible voters polling Corbyn at well over 50%, the next Labour Leader is as good as decided.

And yet the Labour party continues to find new ways to damage itself with a process they call 'weeding out the cheats'.

You can see that they'd want to make some token effort to filter known Members of the Tory party from the running.  But they're vowing to weed out votes from both the left and the right who are judged not to hold Labour values.  To that end, they have volunteers trawling voters' social media to find indications of criticising Labour, being a member of the Green party, etc.

And the problem are:
  • It won't affect the outcome, and even if it does, there's bound to be a damaging legal challenge.
  • This seems to be a process which would weed out Jeremy Corbyn himself.   Corbyn has been a Labour MP for around 30 years, and apparently voted against Labour 500+ times.  He has regularly spoken out against their official policies.  
  • They're apparently weeding out genuine Corbyn supporters.  Many people who have joined the Greens and other left wing parties have done so because successive Labour party leaders have taken the party from the place it once occupied: a place still occupied by themsleves and Corbyn.  These are people who genuinely believe in the policies being espoused by a leadership contender, and many would probably be active party supporters if he were elected.  That seems a very strong basis for a legal challenge if Corbyn were not eventually elected!
  • They're threatening to weed out voters who pay for Affiliate Membership with their Union dues.  What chance that such a person is ever going to pay Labour party Membership with their Union dues ever again?
  • They probably won't always ban the Corbyn supporters anyway.  These people are not being banned on the basis of ballots forms.  There will surely be life-long Labour voters as well as one-time Labours who have criticised labour policies and even voted Tory.  They may have registered to vote in the Leadership Election exactly because they don't want the Labour party become unelectable. 
It will be interesting to see how many more wounds they can self-inflict before this story is over.


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