Saturday, July 15, 2006

Israelis become the concentration camp guards

Ok, it is time to be clear about it. The vast majority of Jews with whom I have spoken or hear on the media insist that to deny that Israel has a right to exist is a denial that the Jewish race have a right to exist. Wrong. The country which is now Israel has no right to exist. It was planted by the usa, in a place where there has been no country of Israel since 70AD. Since then Israel it has continued to annexe huge chunks of neighbouring land, and does so to this day. They are invadors, oppressors, and when the people who they invade and oppress try to fight back, they are killed by an agressor with overwhelming power, which is financially and militarily supported by the usa with their overwhelming power and wealth. People of the Jewish race have every right to exist; Israel, as imposed on the middle-East has no right to exist whatsoever. It should, as some have said before, be wiped off the map.

And the Israelis who are currently bombing Beirut, and the Israelis who support them; they deserve to be wiped off the map too. They are every bit as evil as their opressors and murderers in the Nazi regimes at the time of the 2nd World War. May death find them soon.

Why am I so vehement in my condemnation? Well, it's like this: I hate hypocricy. And there is a kind of Jew, and that kind of Jew in my experience does not seem to be in the minority; who believes that Israel can do no wrong; that they have a right to all; that they are favoured above all; that whatever they do and whatever they inflict on others is blessed by their god. What the hell is the difference between that kind of behaviour and that of the Nazis who considered themselves to be a master race of superior human beings?


Blogger Tsuchan said...

It's noteworthy that spokesmen for Israel are complaining that Israel is being judged by a different standard than Western leaders use for themselves. If Israel are guilty of war crimes, they say, then countries like the UK and usa should look to their own war crimes.

Indeed this is exactly the point. When Tony Blair said that international law is evolving, he was quite right. Every time the world ignores war crimes, international law is evolving; and to the detriment of the planet.

15 July, 2006 06:43  

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