Friday, October 31, 2008

As we knew at the time: Police gave Menezes no warning before shooting

Police have always insisted that they shouted warnings to Jean-Charles de Menezes. And we knew from the beginning that was a pack of lies, because everybody interviewed from the train said there was no warning.

And in the inquest, we hear it again...
'Firearms officers have told the inquest there were several warning shouts of "armed police" before shots were fired'
And yet we have testimony from two witnesses who said nothing had been said to alert them that the men were plain-clothes officers: they even thought before the shots were fired that they were just messing around.

Lies, lies, lies, from start to finish, as this blog has recorded. Murderous, lying, police; who give every excuse possible as to why they shot that poor innocent man; who spook away the CCTV evidence, conspire to falsify their reports, and who are now so shit scared the justice will find them among the fair population of the UK that they give their false evidence under hidden identities. If I had been those officers, I would have taken my firearm to my own head long, long ago.


Blogger Tsuchan said...

"One man levelled a pistol at De Menezes but said nothing to him, Livock told the inquest. The Brazilian did not appear frightened but looked as if he was "waiting for somebody to tell him what was going on", the commuter said."
The Guardian, Friday October 31 2008

03 November, 2008 13:21  

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